Held live at Etc.St Pauls, London
Thursday 7th October 2021
A senior space for well‐briefed discussion
VIP Retail Leaders
Sales Pitches
Critical Topics
Thank you to all the attendees for making Nexus1 so special
Senior digital retail leaders gathered in London for the first RetailX Nexus in October 2021.
At RetailX Nexus, the focus was on conversations rather than presentations, in a format devised to meet the needs of those returning to in-person events. Sessions on each of three main themes – sustainability, diversity, equity and inclusion and points of experience, transformed by automation and AI – were followed by 45 minute conversations, in which our senior retail audience explored the themes introduced by keynote speakers and considered what they meant for their businesses.
At the heart of the discussions were three questions: in the light of the disruption that all of these issues are bringing to the industry, why, what and how does my business need to change?
“This was a chance to talk about some of the most important issues currently affecting ecommerce and multichannel retailing,” says Ian Jindal, chief executive and co-founder of RetailX. “These are issues that no-one can solve on their own but that we can explore by working together, sharing experiences and finding useful answers that work in our businesses. Thanks to all of those who joined us, sharing both their time and expertise.”
Join us at Nexus2.

An invite only event
RetailX Nexus 2021 is limited to 100 spaces so we want people with opinions, open to debate, who want to change minds (including their own) and who have the remit to effect progress in the workplace.
Normally this is linked to “seniority” but we’re looking beyond titles for commercial leaders who are change-makers and/or progress-enablers.
Our first port of call is our alumni group of speakers, interviewees and research contributors. We also look at senior people within the RetailX Top500 companies (see rankings).
However we don’t want to be limited by our previous research and so if you would like to attend or nominate someone to attend, please tell us why on the link below.
The event at a glance
Pre-eventEditorial Briefing:
To ensure all attendees are primed for each topic, in-depth editorial briefing papers will be sent to all participants in advance of RetailX Nexus 2021.
On the dayFact:
The opening keynote will take the form of a discussion starter for each topic. They will inspire and challenge the audience in equal measure and provide a focus for the subsequent discussions.
Vision:Hear from retailers who have a fresh and interesting message to offer on each of the three topics. Gain an open and honest account of their journey so far and understand their vision for change and innovation in the future. The emphasis is on shared experiences and vision-based learning, which combined, will benefit all attendees.
Challenges:As a group our panel will discuss the challenges which are slowing the speed of progress on each topic.
Moderated discussion:All attendees will be given the time to discuss and consider the information offered by our speakers following each topic. The discussion will be in the form of moderator guided table debates and will focus on our senior delegation collaborating on solutions and sharing ideas.
Off the recordChatham House Rule applies
For attendees to gain the most out RetailX Nexus we are holding the entire event under Chatham House Rule. This applies to stage presentations and table discussion sessions.
Reconnect - Social ProgrammeThe breakfast club
This is your opportunity to catch up with your community after the extended lockdown period. You will also have the opportunity to meet our editorial team while enjoying an artisan coffee and patissier experience.
Networking lunchThe after partyAll attendees are invited to our post-event networking party featuring experiential events and a mixology masterclass.